It is true that many have been confused by the absence of a distinctive name ascribed to The Holy Spirit.In fact as far back as the 15th of July WT of 1957, the anonymous writers bring up that very point. On pg 432 they say:"That the holy dspirit is without any personality is also indicated by the fact that it has no distinctive name" By this I assume they mean something like "Trevor" or "Denzil"
They fail to see that the Father of the NT also is never portrayed as having a distinctive name. It is a baseless assumption, fueled by a corrosive self-serving interpretation of the Bible, to conclude that the Father's name is "Jehovah" since the NT as inspired by the Holy Spirit Himself does not state this. It is the position of the WTS that printed translations of the NT made in Heb and dating from at least the 16th century hold more weight than the original manuscripts that have come down to us .
The ironic part, and something that to the best of my knowledge, has never been admitted to by the WTS, is that these Heb Translations, dating from the 16th cent onwards [called the "J" documents in WT mythology] were translated from a Greek text called the TR of the KJV - which means that they accept the inclusion of 1Jo 5:8, something the WTS argues is a Trinitarian interpolation. Somehow, in the illogical "logic" of the WTS, These Heb translations, made from a faulty text, have preserved a truth that surpasses even the divinely inspired originals!!
In fact even this has been done selectively.I know of at least one J Heb translation that says:" No one can say Jesus is YHVH except by Holy Spirit" at 1Cor 12:3 [J 18] Almost every other one uses the term "Adonai" a term exclusive to the God of the OT, Yahweh, in this place
A simple, yet relevant fact seems to have bypassed the WTS, and this is that when a "title" is unique it in fact IS a name. For example: If I were to say that the "Prince of Wales" were coming to town tomorrow, would any member of the writing staff of the WT choose to be confused? Why not? Would some idiot of a WT writer turn around and say: " I'm confused I don"t know who you mean, you are using a title. I need a name." No. The idea is absurd. And the WTS knows it. Why? because the "Title" "POW" is unique. No one living anywhere in the entire stretch of the universe can lay claim to this "Title". Not even the "god" of the WTS can call himself a "POW" Only One poerson living at any one time can possess this title. When the "POW" becomes king then the title will pass on to his eldest son, because he inherits it, thus again, leaving only one living person to have this "Title" I dare say if one does use the distinctive name for the POW, [Charles Windsor] one would in fact be insulting him and demeaning the office for which he is entitled.
In all the realm of space and time, in all of eternities past and future, in everything that ever was, is, or is to be, throughout the infinite stretch of all reality, there is NO ONE who can lay claim to the "Title" of : THE HOLY SPIRIT. You can't get any more unique than that. All we need to know is that the form of adress used for The Holy Spirit, is.........The Holy Spirit. This name makes Him no less Personal than any person who is unique. Demanding to adress Him by some other form of adress, evidently satisfying some sort of "need" to have a distinctive name, is crass stupidity, and comes dangerously close to insulting Him.
The very same pertains to the Person of the Father. This "Title" again is the unique possession of one single Being. No one can be adressed by the name "The Father"- except in the breasts of the blasphemous - than the One to whom it is a Divine Right. This mitigates the need for some mongrelized form of adress such as: "jehovah" [ I was amused one day to come across a web site run by someone who represents the "sacred name movement" and who went to great lengths to "prove" that the word "jehovah" is of pagan origin and should therefore not be used. Evidently he advocated the use of Yahweh. Poor Fred Franz must be turning in his grave]